Blog - A Nordic view on India

Review of India’s VC market in 2022

In 2022, the Indian venture capital (VC) market took a breat to adjust, after a high level of capital growth the last years.  The increased uncertainty in global macroeconomics, related to inflation and/or recession going forward have made investors more cautious. This has led to less easy capital due to increase in interest rates, and […]

Blog: B2C E-Commerce

The growth of B2C E-commerce in India has been significant in recent years, driven by availability and access to internet and mobile phones, in addition to a leapfrogging venture industry. As of today, there are a number of startups leading the way into the future of E-commerce. B2C, or “Business-to-Consumer,” is used to describe the […]

Blog: The EdTech industry in India

EdTech is a growing focus in India, as the digital industry is entering school on all levels, in addition to that the competition to get into the best schools are extreme. Education in India is a federal responsibility, and is provided by both the central government and the state governments. The education system is divided […]

Blog: The Future of Fintech in India

The FinTech industry of India has become extremely important, both for the startup sector and the Indian growth story ,and EY/ Chiratae has written a impressiv report on the topic. FinTech in India is expected to have a AUM of 1 trillion USD, and revenues of 200 billion USD in 2030.  Based on today’s AUM […]

Blog: India’s health venture industry and launch of the Global Health Arena

The drivers of health and healthcare include factors such as income, location of residence, and the quality of social support networks.  Differences in these areas creates challenges of access to health care and health care coverage. Lately, healthcare globally has witnessed a renewed focus on improvement of quality, especially with the increased focus of digital […]

Blog: The Indian market for electric vehicles

The Indian vehicle Industry is like the western world, considering the EV-market as a sustainable solution for the future.  Adaptation in Europe and US have come much further than India, and the setup will also look quite different. While we in the West mainly focus on developing the market for electric cars, it is the […]

Blog – Renewable Energy In India

India with its 1,4 billion people, and becoming the most populated country in the world from 2023, is in real need of electricity. Historically it has been dependent on coal and gas, but with the growing middle class and large demand for electricity, at the same time as the world is moving towards a cleaner […]

Blog: Why consider the Indian Fixed Income Market

The Indian fixed income market might be unknown to many, and often only a part of their investment through an Emerging Market Debt Fund. As Europe and USA is getting closer to negative growth, and China having its own problems, it is time to look elsewhere. Now it might be time to consider your exposure […]

Blog: Understanding the Indian business culture

Historically India was under the rule of Britain for almost 100 years, and much of the systems and structures are based on the British system we know here in Europe. However, it is very important to understand the large cultural differences between the Nordics and India. For your company, business culture is most relevant. But […]

Blog: Reliance Industries

Blog: India Reliance Industries is the largest company listed at the Nifty 50, and have a weighting of 12,9% of the Index.  The company has a long and interesting history, from the start as a polyester firm, towards today which include a split into two companies, family conflicts, bankruptcies and the inclusion of a number […]

Blog: Indias Venture Sector – 2022

The annual India Venture Capital Report for 2022, from Bain & Company, showed that the Indian startup sector is changing in a very positive way. Venture capital funding grew four times in 2021 versus 2020 and the total deal value was at 38,5 billion USD in 2021. The growth is in both number of deals […]

Blog: Transport Sector India

Mobility and infrastructure are the backbone of any country’s growth, as the ability to move people and goods efficiently and at minimum costs has a large effect on the economy. India is road dependent when it comes to transport, but to change this, green transportation is becoming increasingly important, to both lower the fuel consumption […]

Blog: The Pharma-Sector in India

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has become a leading factor globally and supplies over 50% of global demand for various vaccines, 40% of generic medicine in the US and 25% of all medicine in the UK. The Indian pharmaceutical industry includes a network of 3,000 drug companies and close to 10,500 manufacturing units. Due to the […]

Blog: Impact Investing

Impact investing as an asset class in India is providing capital and support to social enterprises and becoming the next way of investing for those who want financial return and achieving measurable impact.  Impact investors focus on investing in social enterprises that do not just mitigate negative impacts but also generate net positive impact. Positive […]

Blog: Alternative Investments India

Alternative investments are a great add on to your investments in equity and fixed income. When it comes to India, the most relevant alternative asset classes are real estate, Infrastructure, PE venture and Impact investments.   Real Estate The Indian real estate sector is split into: Office Retail Residential Warehouse The Real estate sector in […]

Blog: The IT-Sector of India

India’s IT-industry is large and highly developed, but when considering the stock market, but there are two leading companies: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys. Three other companies, relatively smaller than these two giants are HCL technologies, Tech Mahindra and Wipro. The It-sector in India had more than 200 billion USD in revenue last year, […]

Blog: The Financial Sector of Indian Equity

Financials is by far the largest sector in the Indian stock market. If we consider the NIFTY 50 index, the financial sector is at about 36 %, with IT second at 17,5 %. The largest companies are Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) and its subsidiary HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and State Bank of India (SBI). […]

Blog: The startup Industry of India

The Indian venture market is the third largest globally behind USA and China, who have a more mature startup industry. But less maturity leads to bigger opportunities, with less competition.  India has a population of close to 1,4 billion people where 730 million are internet users and there are more than 1000 incubators/accelerators. They also have […]

Blog: Opportunities ahead for the Indian Fixed Income Market

The Indian fixed income market, which is one of the largest in Asia, is developing rapidly based on a number of factors including new instruments, increased liquidity, deregulation of interest rates and improved settlement systems. It is expected that Indias bond market will bli included in the global indexes in 2022-2023. The major players in […]

Blog: The Indian Equity Market

The Indian stock market was established in 1875, but it was only in the early 1990s it became possible for foreigners to invest in India. Since then, India have grown into one of the most important emerging markets and will be even more important going forward. The two main stock exchanges are Bombay Stock Exchange […]

Blog: Travelling India – Jaipur and Taj Mahal

To travel in India is amazing, especially for those who loves nature and wildlife – like Nordic people. From hiking in Himalaya to mountains of powder skiing in Gulmarg of Jammu and Kashmir, deserts of Rajasthan, Backwaters of Kerala, beaches of Goa and wildlife with Tigers and Elephants. Or more cultural sites like Taj Mahal, […]

Blog: Sustainability in India

India is one of the key countries when it comes to sustainability and the 1,5 degrees Paris agreement. Being the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, with 80 per cent of demand met by coal, oil and biomass, India will be among the top emitters in many years going forward. Millions of Indian households are set to buy new appliances, air conditioning units and vehicles. Rapid growth is also […]

Blog: The COVID-19 situation in India

The COVID-situation in India is improving as the daily number of cases have been falling the last week. The high point of daily cases was 1-2 weeks ago with approximately 350 000 cases and has been falling ever since. This is considerably lower than the second wave which had a top of 420 000 cases.  Figure 1 […]

Blog: Why should India be relevant for you as a Nordic investor/company?

The simple answer is that India will be one of the main global growth drivers in the future, together with China, USA, and a few other South-East Asian countries. It might be easy to think of India as just another emerging market country, somewhat exotic and too far away from the Nordic to be very […]

Blog: Landing in Mumbai

Last time I left Mumbai, was two days before the lockdown in March 2020.  Now back again, it is interesting to see how things have changed. I cannot speak for the rest of India, but Mumbai have taken many steps in the right direction. But first, shortly about the travel.  Going to India now is […]

Blog: Welcome to India Trading Nordic

Hi! We are very happy to welcome you to our blog. India is far away from the Nordics, but should be a interesting area for everybody who do business. From financial investments to startups and established companies, a country with 1,5 billion people should be interesting. India is quite complex with 29 relatively independent states […]