Blog: Understanding the Indian business culture
- Posted by @dmin-IndiaTrading
- On June 27, 2022
- culture, India, investment, Sustainability
Historically India was under the rule of Britain for almost 100 years, and much of the systems and structures are based on the British system we know here in Europe.
However, it is very important to understand the large cultural differences between the Nordics and India. For your company, business culture is most relevant. But for you as an individual, the way you behave, body language and your understanding of what topics to talk about and what you should stay away from, is essential to build a good long-term relationship with Indians.
Another important factor is that India is more like a continent than a country. Comparing India’s population of 1,4 billion people to Europe ex Russia with 750 million or USA with 330 million, it is easy to understand that there are large internal differences in both language and culture, which you should be aware of. But as a business person travelling to the larger cities, the main issues to focus on is similar.
Here are a few points for you to understand the Indian business culture:
- Addressing people by a title and their last name is a good policy in a country where status and formality underpin good manners. More casual forms can come later, but only once you have really got to know the Indian partner very well.
- Check the calendar for festivals and holidays, as it is a hard time to do business. A holiday listed for one day might run for four, so check it out first.
- In the west we tend to read a lot into handshakes. Most of your handshakes in India will be pretty limp by western standards, but it is not a sign of lack of interest or indifference. It’s just how it is done over there, almost like a formality to get over and done with.
- Even though Indians speak English they still think Indian, so take care to build real understanding. Clear communication is a must.
- India might be the most diverse country on earth. Religions, beliefs, languages and culture all immensely varied. Keeping an open mind will help you avoid jumping to the wrong conclusions. The person you are meeting could have spent many years in the USA or the UK, and have a global outlook – or never have left India and have a regional view.
- Be very careful of discussing religion and politics. India’s history is complex and people often have a strong reason for their opinion.
- Being patient and flexible is important, even if you come from a country that likes to be direct and structured. India is full of surprises and you cope best by being flexible. Dropping any “one rule for all” approaches is a good start
- Indian breakfast meetings can be set for 10am or even later – they are late starters. But your dinner meeting at the end of the day might not start until 9pm or later. Hours are long and weekends are for working because “work is life” is the mantra.
- Despite your expectation, India runs to its own rhythm. Often you will be called minutes before a meeting to change time or venue – going with the flow is an asset over there.
- Forget delivery times in the west, it could take much longer time in India. To succeed you need patience.
- Indian culture provides diversity, both in dress, styles of doing business and differing reactions to personal contact are to be expected over there. Your host might want to talk about something totally different than your product, so it is wise to go with the flow.